Joy for the Journey

According to research by the “Los Angeles Times,” Americans are not as happy as we used to be. We’re no longer on the list of the twenty happiest nations on earth, and we’ve fallen below – for example – Kuwait and Slovenia. (If you’re curious, per the study, the happiest people are the Danes, Finns, Icelanders, and Swedes.) Among all Americans, younger Americans are the least happy. Personally, I don’t have loads of confidence in research like this, but I suppose that an important point can be made: Having it all doesn’t mean having it all.

Depending upon the English translation, “happiness” appears in the Bible about thirty times, whereas some version of “joy” appears more than 300 times. I don’t want to imply that the words are drastically different in meaning – in Scripture, they’re largely interchangeable in fact – but I think it’s safe to say that the Bible calls those of us who follow Christ to an undergirding joy that is not dependent upon “happy” circumstances.

Joy! Where to find it? I think I need some. I’ll bet you do too.

Here’s the thing. You and I grow in our capacity for joy by walking through some very trying situations. If I had a bottle of joy pills, I would share them with you, but that’s not how it works. We learn to experience joy as we become convinced of the goodness and faithfulness of God.

And the formation of such knowledge in us doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Instead, it comes through pain and testing. I wish that I could promise you a hassle-free spiritual pilgrimage, but such would be a lie. What I can promise you is some suffering along the way. But – please don’t miss this part – it will never be suffering without purpose. “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness” (James 1:2-3).

As you and I journey toward the Promised Land, we will learn to dig deep in the well of joy, as God refines our confidence in His unshakable character. There will be times of doubt when we’ll have to remind ourselves of all the ways in which the Lord has delivered us and provided abundantly for us. More than once, we will have to preach the gospel to ourselves. But the reality of a bloody cross and an empty tomb will always be good news! We are forgiven and free!

As part of our worship at our church, we sing a song that was recorded by Shane & Shane …

“I’m fighting a battle
That You’ve already won
No matter what comes my way
I will overcome
I don’t know what You’re doing
But I know what You’ve done
I’m fighting a battle that
You’ve already won.”

The wonder of such undeserved grace goes a long way when storm clouds fill the horizon, and – sooner or later – this is where we will find our joy. Strange as it sounds, our deepest delight in God will be forged in the roughest patches of our lives. “Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning” (Psalm 30:5).

And I must tell you that I stayed up late and read ahead. All the way to the end. Spoiler alert: We win! In Christ, you and I have already won.

As that song goes on to affirm, by expressing our heart’s desire to behold our risen Savior …

“I know how the story ends
We will be with You again.”

So let’s press on! For the glory of our God, you and I are homeward bound, and growing in steadfastness and grace along the way. Let’s defy the statistics, and finish our race with joy! “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison” (2 Corinthians 4:17).

I’m so glad that you’re on this marvelous journey with me.

Pastor Charles

Posted in Blog Posts
One comment on “Joy for the Journey
  1. Ruth Mitchell says:

    “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” . America has become a selfish nation, now it’s what can you do for me? I believe that Americans have begun to turn this aroundI have seen recent adds, and organizations that are doing for others that can’t do for themselves. Let’s pray that it will continue and grow stronger everyday.If we do just one thing for someone they can’t do for themselves every day it will bring joy in your heart.

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