Today I want to take up the subject of the gray zone. No, I’m not talking about Chicago winters, which can seem to hang on until May – though I remember them well. Nor the world of law. And I’m…
Today I want to take up the subject of the gray zone. No, I’m not talking about Chicago winters, which can seem to hang on until May – though I remember them well. Nor the world of law. And I’m…
As I write this on Wednesday afternoon, our highest leaders in government are considering the second impeachment of President Donald Trump. “The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates are destroyed by fire.” I can’t help but remember…
No, I’m not talking about the Senate runoff in Georgia. I’m talking about Psalm 90, the only psalm attributed to Moses. For a thousand years in your sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch…
God doesn’t waste any time. Let me clarify: God doesn’t waste any time. By that I mean that God, at every point in history, is always absolutely purposeful in all of His actions. Nothing which we have experienced this year…
Certain dimensions of 2020 haven’t felt all that merry, have they? It’s left some folks wondering if “Merry Christmas” fits at all this year. I would submit to you, humbly but with conviction, that “Merry” fits now more than ever!…
When I learned Sunday afternoon that the vaccine had landed at Louisville International Airport, I rejoiced. Please allow me to explain. Whether or not you plan to take the COVID-19 vaccination, I think you will agree with me that we…
I suppose that the holiday season is as good as any to unpack an issue that has been weighing heavily on me for some time. We hear a lot about “fake news” these days, but I have to tell you…
Get a grip! Mind over matter! Suck it up, buttercup! Sound familiar? You and I have become experts at “overcoming” our emotions, but I’d like to suggest today that – when it comes to those emotions which make us uncomfortable…
Thanksgiving can change our lives! I’m talking about more than a day on our calendar, of course, but I’m referring to a heart posture which can revolutionize how we see the world – and how we see our own circumstances.…
This is not meant as a politically partisan post, on any level, but it is a post about my concerns regarding our American republic. My prayer is that my words will be “heard” in the spirit of grace with which…
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