When I learned Sunday afternoon that the vaccine had landed at Louisville International Airport, I rejoiced. Please allow me to explain. Whether or not you plan to take the COVID-19 vaccination, I think you will agree with me that we…
When I learned Sunday afternoon that the vaccine had landed at Louisville International Airport, I rejoiced. Please allow me to explain. Whether or not you plan to take the COVID-19 vaccination, I think you will agree with me that we…
I suppose that the holiday season is as good as any to unpack an issue that has been weighing heavily on me for some time. We hear a lot about “fake news” these days, but I have to tell you…
Get a grip! Mind over matter! Suck it up, buttercup! Sound familiar? You and I have become experts at “overcoming” our emotions, but I’d like to suggest today that – when it comes to those emotions which make us uncomfortable…
Thanksgiving can change our lives! I’m talking about more than a day on our calendar, of course, but I’m referring to a heart posture which can revolutionize how we see the world – and how we see our own circumstances.…
This is not meant as a politically partisan post, on any level, but it is a post about my concerns regarding our American republic. My prayer is that my words will be “heard” in the spirit of grace with which…
These days I hear a lot of folks bragging that they “follow the science” – as if nobody else cares anything at all about science. So I thought I would address this today. Please bear with me, friends. Let me…
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” Those are our Lord’s words as recorded in Matthew 5:9. Oh, how we need we those words now! Amidst widespread fears of social unrest and even violence…
We are blessed to live in a nation where freedom of speech, religious freedom, and the free exercise of religion are protected. Truly blessed! Under such extraordinarily privileged circumstances, I believe that the exercise of our right to vote is…
In my personal devotions this morning, I was reading through First Corinthians 15, and specifically that somewhat confusing section where the Apostle Paul recounts: “I fought with beasts at Ephesus” (Verse 32). The Greek word for “beast” or “wild animal”…
On Monday I posted on Facebook and Twitter a quick thought: “Beyond just singing Amazing Grace, what if we were being amazing grace?” I’d like to expound on that. In fact, this will be a bit of expounding and expanding. Grace…
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