Well, not really. More, kind of, green. So I just wrote about how fun it is to watch Team USA win. It’s also exhilarating to watch the world’s best athletes do their thing. All of that still stands. I’m sure…
Well, not really. More, kind of, green. So I just wrote about how fun it is to watch Team USA win. It’s also exhilarating to watch the world’s best athletes do their thing. All of that still stands. I’m sure…
It sure is nice to see America celebrating. It’s been too long. Sometimes, if not most of the time, our nation seems downright cracked-down-the-middle. We’re deeply divided by policies and politics, so a good dose of patriotism seems like just…
My personal Bible study is taking me through the letters from Paul to Timothy, and this morning my devotional reading was from the apostle’s second correspondence. As I pondered something which I’ve read many times before (Second Timothy 1:5), I…
Have you ever needed to be rescued … from you? Paul warned the young preacher Timothy (First Timothy 1:6-7) that certain teachers within the church would get way off-track, and even “wander away into vain discussion … without understanding ……
What could be lovelier than a holiday on the French Riviera? Linda, a young mom, described the horror like this: “My husband picked up the kids and started running. I turned around and just saw so many dead people. I…
I am deeply concerned about what is transpiring before our eyes in America’s heartland. Not in New York City. Not on the Left Coast. Iowa. You and I better care about what’s going on in Iowa. The Iowa Civil Rights…
Headlining today’s Wall Street Journal is Akane Otani’s piece titled “Stocks Rebound, but Jitters Linger.” Thankfully our peace does not depend upon the Dow or London’s FTSE 100. Europe is volatile, and Istanbul is recovering from a massive terror attack,…
Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness! Why should the nations say, “Where is their God?” Our God is in the heavens;…
When people in Orlando – where many Americans go to vacation and unplug – are gunned down in cold blood, we all experience a sense of unsteadiness and revulsion. The world seems to be shifting under our feet, and shifting…
Vacation Bible School 2016 has come and gone. It’s hard to believe. It was a wonderful week. As has become our tradition, the Paducah City Fire Department showed up today to soak all the kids – and even a…
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