Category: Blog Posts

Signs and Wonders Part 6

It’s almost time for Palm Sunday. We remember Christ’s “triumphal entry” into Jerusalem … and the people’s cries of “Hosanna!” “Lord, save us!” The phrase erupted over and over from the passionate Passover crowds. Since joy is a fruit of

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Signs and Wonders Part 5

One of the greatest works of the Holy Spirit in us is His gift of the assurance of our salvation. Like David, who cried out to the Lord from the depth of his own depravity, you and I cry out

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Signs and Wonders Part 4

  How does God work? When it’s all said and done, this may be the most important question facing us in this series. After all, when we speak of “signs and wonders,” our attention ought to be arrested only by

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Signs and Wonders Part 3

The events of the past few days have somewhat dulled my senses. I’m trying to do the “pastor thing,” but I find myself in a bit of mental and emotional fog. If I may briefly return to my thoughts on

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Signs and Wonders Part 2

And it happened that while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul passed through the inland country and came to Ephesus. There he found some disciples. And he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” And they

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Signs and Wonders

  Are there signs and wonders in our day? The earliest Christian believers prayed in faith, even under persecution (Acts 4:29-30): “… grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out your

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All In!

As we continue our Sunday morning study of Nehemiah, we’re continuing to learn from Nehemiah’s consistent example of persevering faith. Nehemiah has faced enemies, obstacles, and discouragements from near and far, but he has kept his eye on the ball

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A Time for Every Purpose

Many of you know that Eileen and I got caught in the recent East Coast snowstorm. Once we resigned ourselves to the fact that we would not be getting home in time for Sunday’s services, we decided to visit some

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Defender of the Weak

Since the Fall of humankind, people have taken advantage of other people (or gone down trying). This is sin’s way. The Scriptures are replete with examples: Jacob’s and Laban’s shenanigans (Genesis); Rehoboam’s unjust labor policies (First Kings), Haman’s murderous ploy

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Christ Central

  Monday night Eileen and I were blessed by our dear friends from SoCal, Scott and Jody, who joined us for dinner and a time of reconnecting and fellowship. Sweet! As is often the case when old comrades get together,

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