You may remember that I’ve always enjoyed the preaching of the physician from Cardiff, Wales, who ended up as pastor of Westminster Chapel in London. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones received his M.D. in 1921, and experienced a profound conversion to Christ…
You may remember that I’ve always enjoyed the preaching of the physician from Cardiff, Wales, who ended up as pastor of Westminster Chapel in London. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones received his M.D. in 1921, and experienced a profound conversion to Christ…
From Inc. Magazine to Northeastern University to, the word is out that a little gossip can be a good thing: “Gossip can actually be good for your business, your customers, and the bottom line.” According to Stanford University researcher…
“Blow a trumpet in Zion; sound an alarm on My holy mountain (Joel 2:1)!” I was invited on the evening of January 8 to participate in a relatively small meeting of ministry and civic leaders in Texas. My connections there…
It’s a bit gray in Paducah these days. Not for long. Spring is sure to come. But it’s hard to see it from here when the temperature has dropped all day from a morning “high” of 22. Brrrrrrr. (If you’re…
This is a 2-Part Series of Sunday messages titled “The Power Of His Grace” from 2 Corinthians 5:17, preached by Pastor Charles Moore. Click here to listen or download (Recorded live at First Baptist Paducah on December 28, 2014 and…
Our Second Annual Christmas Extravaganza was a smashing success! For those of you who haven’t heard, the “Mystery Trip” took us to the Windy City this year. Everyone loved Chicago, and all 26 of us enjoyed the fellowship, fun, and…
Here’s a Christmas carol that you might not have noticed: Zechariah’s prophecy (Luke 1:67-79). The lyrics are about John the Baptist, and the song has been often titled The Benedictus. It’s in this part of the Christmas story that we…
O.K., so Thanksgiving is here. Many of you are off to see family and friends. Others are hosting a houseful of people. Just in case “family” drama reaches all-time-high proportions wherever you are, keep your head on straight. I grew…
“Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Jesus shared those words as part of what we call the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:34). Commenting on…
Sunday message titled “Out of the Bathwater, Into the Fire” from 1 Corinthians 3, preached by Pastor Tommy Tucker. Click here to listen or download (Recorded live at First Baptist Paducah on October 26, 2014): 2014.10.26.1Cor3.OutOfTheBathWaterIntoTheFire.TommyTucker
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