Click here to listen or download (Recorded live at First Baptist Paducah on June 15, 2014): 2014.06.15.WellDone.Exodus35-39.CharlesMoore
Click here to listen or download (Recorded live at First Baptist Paducah on June 15, 2014): 2014.06.15.WellDone.Exodus35-39.CharlesMoore
Sometimes it’s only right to set aside our highfalutin theology and simply delight in the simplicity of seeing God at work in our kids. Don’t get me wrong; there’s nothing inherently negative about great doctrinal pursuits, but I also want…
Click here to listen or download (Recorded live at First Baptist Paducah on June 8, 2014): 2014.06.08.SevenWordsOfHope.Exodus34.CharlesMoore
I’ve really enjoyed studying Exodus with you, but the time has come to think ahead. We’ll wrap up the Exodus series at the end of this month. What to do next? Starting July 6, I invite you to be a…
Click here to listen or download (Recorded live at First Baptist Paducah on June 1, 2014): 2014.06.01.WonderWorshipandWeightiness.Exodus33.CharlesMoore
Click here to to listen or download (Recorded live at First Baptist Paducah on May 25, 2014)
Happy Memorial Day weekend, church family! This time of year draws our hearts toward gratitude to God for the freedoms that are ours in this land that we call home, as well as gratitude for all of those who have…
Click here to to listen or download (Recorded live at First Baptist Paducah on May 18, 2014): 2014.05.08.APlaceOfRest.Exodus31.12to18.CharlesMoore
The Gospel Call So you and I get to share with others the power of Christ’s gospel. That’s what the church is all about! For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for…
Click here to to listen or download (Recorded live at First Baptist Paducah on May 11, 2014): 2014.05.11.LordOverLowerTown.Exodus31.1to11.CharlesMoore
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