“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.” I love the way Paul closed his letter to the Philippians (4:21-23). The apostle called all the believers “saints.” So, if we’re in Christ, we’re saints. That’s way cool.…
“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.” I love the way Paul closed his letter to the Philippians (4:21-23). The apostle called all the believers “saints.” So, if we’re in Christ, we’re saints. That’s way cool.…
Midweek Message: Gifted, Session 6 (Recorded live in the Great Room on September 25, 2013). Click here to listen or download: 2013.09.25.GiftedMidweekSession6.
Biblical Christianity is full of hope. But not in the sense of “wishful thinking” or “positive karma” or a “pie-in-the-sky” or “head-in-the-clouds.” As a matter of fact, J.I. Packer calls optimism “wish without warrant.” A person who is merely optimistic,…
I extend my heartfelt thanks to the three hundred women who officially welcomed Eileen to the church family last night. She came home with extra tiramisu, so we both benefited immensely from your creativity and attention to detail. She’s an…
Midweek Message: Gifted, Session 5 (Recorded live in the Great Room on September 18, 2013). Unity in Diversity: Teaching on 1 Corinthians 12 Click here to listen or download: 2013.09.18.GiftedMidweekSession5.CharlesMoore.
For many among us this is the best time of the year not because of the promise of changing leaves, but because of the promise (O.K., hope) of touchdowns. It’s football season. Much has been made recently of the violence…
Midweek Message: Gifted, Session 4 (Recorded live in the Great Room on September 11, 2013) Click here to listen or download: 2013.09.11.GiftedMidweekSession4.CharlesMoore
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning, new every morning: Great is Thy faithfulness, O Lord – great is Thy faithfulness!” Edith McNeill set those words to…
I’m really enjoying our Sunday evening journey through Jonah. Last night I mentioned the simplicity of the message that Jonah took (finally!) to the Ninevites – the message that the Lord used to bring the Ninevites to repentance. I tried…
We’ve heard people refer to “do-gooders” in a pejorative sense: “That Jane Doe is nothing but a do-gooder all over town.” Meaning by that, Ms. Doe is so dumb that she thinks she’s accomplishing something of value in the community…
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