Midweek Message: Gifted, Session 3 (Recorded live in the Great Room on September 04, 2013) Click here to listen or download: 2013.09.04.GiftedMidweekSeries.Session3.CharlesMoore
Midweek Message: Gifted, Session 3 (Recorded live in the Great Room on September 04, 2013) Click here to listen or download: 2013.09.04.GiftedMidweekSeries.Session3.CharlesMoore
We naturally admire people who persevere. I always think of Eric Liddell, who faced so many medical complications as a child that some thought he would never walk again. But Liddell grew up to become “the Flying Scotsman” and the…
The older I get, the more I recognize the pervasive loneliness that resides within the souls of most people whom I meet. It’s not that they’re cut off from all human contact, but it’s actually worse than that. They’re alone…
Midweek Message: Gifted, Session 2 (Recorded live in the Great Room on August 28, 2013) Click here to listen or download: 2013.08.28.GiftedMidweekSeries.Session2.CharlesMoore
While we lived in California, we were able to spend some time in the Mojave Desert. I’m grateful for the experience as part of my preparation to mine the riches of Exodus for our current Sunday morning preaching series. One does…
“My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord!” Those are the words of David as he closes one of the great songs in God’s hymnbook (Psalm 145). “Let all flesh bless his holy name forever and ever!” My early…
Midweek Message: Gifted, Session 1 (Recorded live in the Great Room on August 21, 2013) Click here to listen or download: 2013.08.21.Gifted Midweek Series. Session1.CharlesMoore
Despite the “mostly cloudy with scattered showers, some heavy at times” conditions, I was blessed with a series of fantastic aerial views of Western Kentucky Saturday morning. My gracious pilot, Captain Brad, treated me to a stunning perspective of the…
I’ve been thinking about all the far-too-many-to-count blessings of knowing Jesus Christ as Sovereign Savior and Lord. Psalm 138:7 makes this wonderful promise: “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the…
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. ~John 1:14 For me there is no other verse in…
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