Come, Holy Spirit!

Does your walk with God need renewed energy and joy? Do you want to break free from the wintry spiritual blues? Do you need some fresh wind in your sails?

You’re not alone. Lots of Christ followers are reporting a real-life struggle to maintain the passion for God they once took for granted. The sequence can become a vicious cycle: renewed hope, followed by sincere pursuit, followed by general disappointment, leading to unavoidable exhaustion. I probably don’t need to tell you about the gnawing guilt that can stay with us as long as we’re on this train.

Thankfully, when we feel spiritually exhausted – perhaps stemming from a long stretch of disappointment or difficulty – you and I can call upon the Lord (Jeremiah 33:3)! Hallelujah! Jesus promised that our heavenly Father desires that we seek the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13). Whenever and wherever we feel overwhelmed by spiritual dryness, God loves to flood our dry souls with His living waters of refreshment (Jeremiah 31:25; Matthew 11:28; John 4:10).

That we might rightly understand a topic as important as the Holy Spirit, let’s consider more of the Bible’s promises. First of all, God is present everywhere (Psalm 139:7). We can take that to the bank. The truth of God’s omnipresence should be deeply comforting to us, no matter where we are or what we’re facing. Our God is not bound by any of the limitations which mark our humanness. So, wherever we are, He’s right there with us.

Secondly, if we belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is ours forever. And we are His! To receive Christ is to receive His Spirit (Romans 8:9). So, when we ask for more of the Spirit, we’re not asking for something – or someone – we don’t already have. But we’re asking for a heightened awareness of the Spirit’s presence and power, and a deeper appreciation of His ministry to and in us. We’re asking Him to work in new, life-giving ways in and through us.

All of that being established, I think it’s also important to note that the Holy Spirit, though present everywhere and always, chooses to make Himself known at specific times and in specific circumstances. As only He knows what is best for us, and what we most need, He ministers to each one of us in unique ways. As He blesses us individually, His ministry pours through us into the lives of others. And He blesses us through our brothers and sisters in Christ. The Spirit’s great love for the body strengthens the church through His much-needed fruit and gifts, and His gracious presence among us (1 Corinthians 12:4-7; Galatians 5:22-23). This is how He comes to us, and this is why I love asking Him to come!

As I think about you today, friend, I feel compelled to encourage you not to be afraid to seek the Holy Spirit. Like no other, He is on your side! As the third Person of the triune God, the Holy Spirit is to be honored and worshiped. You and I should delight in Him! We can pray to Him … meditate upon His glorious attributes … thank Him for His personal ministry to us … and call upon Him whenever we need to know more of God’s presence and power.

He is God. We are His. He is ours.

Come, Holy Spirit! Be Lord of my vision today, that I may see Christ in every moment and in every interaction.

Come, Holy Spirit! Be Lord of my mind today, that I may know how to abide in Christ and be found faithful in Him.

Come, Holy Spirit! Be Lord of my life today, that my gifts and abilities may shine for Christ alone.

Come, Holy Spirit! Be Lord of my heart today, that I may bear the fruit of my bruised and risen Savior – so I may love like Jesus.

Come, Holy Spirit!

Pastor Charles

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