The Riches of Poverty


It’s Tuesday night and really early Wednesday morning, and I’m thinking of James 1 and 2 as I prepare to sleep for a few hours before the drive to Timisoara and the long flight home. Today I preached at Logos Baptist Church to the pastors of the Baptist association here (pic included). It was a six-hour drive along two different routes, and many of the rough and winding roads took us through parts of Romania that I had not explored.

TuesdayROM16That drive and this midnight solitude has prompted me to ponder God’s reminder that we all “like a flower of the grass … will pass away.” Specifically James says that the rich man will “fade away in the midst of his pursuits.” Here’s why those verses are running through my mind. Despite the natural beauty of this country, it’s impossible to drive more than a few kilometers without coming face-to-face with poverty. At the same time, I observe a happiness and a contentment among God’s people here that is nothing short of confounding.

What am I to make of this portion of the Scriptures? For starters, I want an alive and active faith that is more than cheap talk. I hear God’s marching orders to love and serve those who need my help, like the “orphans and widows in their affliction” mentioned in the text. And I know that I’m to treat all people with respect and dignity, whether or not they’re wealthy or able to make my life easier. Those are the parts of James that are easier for me to understand. I get it.

But what I don’t always get is that richness in faith has nothing to do with money. Oh, sure, I get it theoretically. But I often find myself so attached to the comforts of this world that my focus is more on the City of Man than the City of God. If you’re unfamiliar with those terms, they date back to St. Augustine (354 – 430 A.D.), who made the point that we as believers in Christ are living in a place dominated by self-love, while we’re citizens of a kingdom built on love for God.

Though you and I have been called by Christ to die to ourselves (John 12:24), this side of heaven we will always struggle with attractions to power and position. But how marvelous is the kingdom of our Lord! Even when and where there are no earthly resources to speak of, God by His Spirit pours out the fruits of love and joy and peace. Priceless and amazing.TuesRoman16

It broke my heart to say good-bye to Julian and his family. Eileen, Joshua, and I have been forever changed by the summer of 2016. We are so grateful to God for lessons learned, and lessons being learned. All of grace. I just wish I weren’t such a slow learner.

The ESV renders 2:2 as “a poor man in shabby clothing.” In the economy of Jesus, he just may be the happiest guy in the room.

Pastor Charles TuesROM16

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Short & Sweet

Today (Monday) was packed, and I’m still in a church meeting at 11:00 p.m.! This communication will be short and sweet.

Morning coffee with the mayor in his office went great. He is exceptionally grateful for our church’s many contributions to this community over many years, and he’s very hopeful regarding future partnerships. Unique and wonderful how God arranged this. More later.

Thoroughly enjoyed my two hours at the orphanage in Prilipet, and sharing new tennis shoes as gifts from FBC. Kids are loved, healthy, and happy. Loved on Linda Hatcher’s family in her absence. 🙂

Strategized all evening with young adults here. They want to try their own version of our Rock the Block. How cool is that?

I’ll throw in some extra pics. Enjoy! Shortest. Blog. Ever.

Har si Pace (Grace and Peace),

Pastor Charlesss11

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Inainte (Update)

Friday evening I preached at Grace Church. As I mentioned when I last blogged, most of the attendees were youth, including a few from some of the surrounding communities. I focused on Hebrews 12 and the Lord’s discipline of us as His beloved children, and I used the Rio Olympics as illustrative of how discipline precedes our best achievements. I think the message connected well, as I was asked to deliver it again on Sunday morning.

Saturday we visited the local hospital to distribute eyeglasses and medicines. Of course we encountered more than enough sadness there, but there were also multiple opportunities to pray with and encourage the patients. I’m so grateful that Pastor Nelu is in the hospital daily, as his “salt and light” are needed desperately among those who are ill and suffering here.

After the hospital I made a brief appearance at a children’s Bible study. My time with the kids was just long enough for me to tell them the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. That’s downright fun in any language!

Saturday afternoon included a chance to visit the small village where Tom Unici grew up, and to hear all about the vision of a retired Baptist pastor to care for the elderly in an in-home setting. What you and I think of as assisted living and nursing home care is nearly non-existent in Romania. The result has been a national epidemic of elderly people having to endure circumstances such that their basic needs are unmet for months or even years, and then dying all alone. The government has no resources with which to remedy this situation, so churches are just now starting to strategize together in an effort to help.

Saturday night Grace hosted an evangelistic service aimed at friends and neighbors. I preached from Mark 2:18-22, and focused on every person’s need to see the gospel of Jesus Christ with new “optics,” referring to the eyes of faith which we can receive only from the risen Son of God and Savior of the world.

Both of today’s services were filled with tons of music, from harmonica to opera, and from young local artists to seasoned professionals from the capital city of Bucharest. As everyone shared his or her talents, I noticed the obvious humility with which each musician offered praise to the Lord. It was beautiful indeed.

It’s Sunday night now, and I’m off to bed soon. Tomorrow I’ll have coffee with the newly-elected mayor of Moldova Noua. He comes from an Orthodox background, but he attended tonight’s service with his wife, his young daughter, and a big smile. I had preached Joshua’s call to be “strong and courageous” from Joshua 1:1-9, and the mayor said in English as he grabbed my hand on the way out the door: “That was just for me.”

To God be the glory!


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Pastor Charles

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Salutari! (Greetings!)

We arrived safe and sound. After numerous flight complications, we landed in Timisoara to a beautiful Romanian afternoon. We had dinner in the city, and then made the three-hour trek to Coronini. Pastor Nelu missed his calling as a Nascar driver. Thanks, friends, for your faithful prayers. 🙂

I really didn’t sleep last night, but I’m energized today. You can see from the photos that we started shopping early for food deliveries in the surrounding communities. The groceries and produce (from the farmer’s market) were more than needed, and much appreciated.

Here’s a good word, friends. The last lady whom we visited this morning (age 93) said: “I lost my husband, but I didn’t lose my Jesus. I’m alone in my house, but talking with my Lord every day. He speaks to me through His Word and when I pray.”

As I write, we’re preparing for the soup kitchen ministry, to begin in just a few minutes. Your supplies of eyeglasses and medicines will be distributed throughout the week, but I wanted you to see some of the hundreds of pairs of glasses that you sent with us. Blessings galore! These supplies are like gold among people who desperately need them.

Tonight I’ll speak to the students about reaching their friends for Christ, and then we’ll enjoy some pizza together. I’m really looking forward to reconnecting with the youth, as it’s been a year since I was here at Grace Baptist.

You can tell from the pics that the pastors here love their sheep. Pastor Claudiu is a great compliment to the church’s leadership team, and I believe that he represents the body’s commitment to love and serve the next generation. Our Romanian brothers and sisters send you their warmest greetings.

Thank you for being Christ’s hands and feet through the missions and ministries of First Baptist Paducah. Your sacrificial gifts make all of this happen. May the pace (peace) of the Lord be yours today, and always!


Pastor Charles

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Sunday evening we enjoyed our first-of-the-season “Church on the River.” The weather was perfect. The cotton candy clouds dotting the skies above were delightful, complete with high-soaring birds – almost as if on cue after Sunday morning’s sermon on Creation Day 5. And the cool breeze off the river offered not only splendid relief from summer heat – but also a vivid reminder of who makes the seasons change. This is the God whom we worship.

As I looked out upon a sea of bright green FBC shirts emblazoned with the word “Servant,” I thought about what it means for us to serve our city in the name of Christ. The more we work “in the city,” the more we will encounter the idol of secularism – as well as the symptoms of secularism in the form of lifestyles which resemble a post-Christian culture. As evangelicals, we run the risk of looking very weird in the eyes of others, but we should view this more as opportunity than as obstacle.

Be a servant.

You and I aren’t really “home” this side of heaven (Philippians 3:20). Our lives are “hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3). But – as long as we’re here – we’re to serve. Instead of getting trapped by all of the allures and deceptions of this world, we serve by setting others free. We do this by loving them into the eternal city that is to come (Hebrews 13:14). That’s right. We serve by love.

Be a servant.

Don’t let yourself be sidelined for such a time as this! Organized religion may be viewed with suspicion, but spirituality is not. So here’s our chance to recognize the emerging spirituality of the Western world, and – like Paul on Mars Hill (Acts 17:22-31) – to inject clear gospel truth into the assorted mayhem.

Be a servant.

We must not be afraid of our city, or stand back in judgment. Remember Daniel and his friends. It is often God’s call upon our lives that we navigate a non-Christian setting while maintaining a missional witness for our Lord Jesus Christ. Idolatry and sin are hard to stomach at times, but we must remember that from which our Savior has rescued us. We must put on His garments of humility and grace.

Be a servant.

The overriding conviction that WE SERVE BY LOVE is the heart of The Fellowship: Downtown (our campus at 1000 Broadway). It’s also the heart of our 2890 Broadway campus, but the downtown campus puts us closer to the heart of our city. You see, you and I are to be seekers of “shalom” (Hebrew for “peace”) for all of Paducah, and that means praying hard and working hard so that others may delight with us in our Sovereign Creator – who still welcomes with open arms! That’s what I saw happening Sunday night. Just remember that mighty rivers were once just a trickle.

Be a servant.riverfrontfellowship

I want to encourage you to make some new friends outside your comfort zone. Real relationships are the most winsome platform for incarnational outreach. By “incarnational” I mean that you and I can “embody” Christ as we serve in the real world as His hands and feet. Like Nehemiah, whom we studied recently, we have a choice to make. Will we choose the ease of a comfortable way of life, or the obedience of a missional way of life? In Nehemiah’s case he had to travel a thousand miles to answer God’s call. I’m asking you to consider a much shorter journey.

Be a servant.

Is Christ calling you to serve? Go for it! Do the strange thing! Love ‘til it hurts!

Be a servant.

Thank you, Pastor Russ – along with your entire leadership team. You served Paducah well.

And if any of you who are reading the blog missed out on the riverfront worship Sunday evening, it’s not too late to join in. Upcoming opportunities for “Church on the River” are Sunday, September 18 and Sunday, October 16 – with both events beginning at 5:00 p.m. Save those dates on your calendar.


Pastor Charles 

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The Rio Blues

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Well, not really. More, kind of, green.

So I just wrote about how fun it is to watch Team USA win. It’s also exhilarating to watch the world’s best athletes do their thing. All of that still stands. I’m sure you agree.

But we have some lessons to learn as well. The first Olympic Games on the South American continent have included more than the normal amount of gaffes. Leading up to this, Brazil had found itself suffering under the country’s worst recession since the 1930’s. A political crisis, to say the least, for a heavily-populated nation. Under those conditions, even getting the Olympics off the ground was never going to be easy for Brazil.

We knew there were problems back in April, when people were killed when a cycle lane built for the Games collapsed into the ocean. Harrowing news images showed a long stretch of the bike lane – suspended some fifty meters over the water – which had literally crumbled.

Recent days (and nights) have further told the tale. Transportation nightmares. Faux Olympic branding. Empty stands that should have been full. Security breaches. Bullets flying near the equestrian center. Athletes robbed (not just the Americans making news today). Three police officers wounded by gunfire, one seriously. All with a global audience of three or four billion people.

I suppose the greenish water, in more than one pool, is symbolic. That aroma of hydrogen sulfide, not what anybody wanted. Finally Mario Andrada placed the blame on algae, but not until after multiple other ridiculous explanations were attempted to no avail: fake tan cream, damaged copper pipes, and even urine-revealing additives. Come on, Mario! Now the story is a drop in alkalinity.

Here’s my point: Brazil is in trouble. The Olympics are shiny by nature, but on the other side of those bright and festive partitions – which stretch for five miles all the way to the international airport – is another not-so-colorful world. A drug den guarded by armed traffickers. Some nearly 20 Rio communities known as Maré, where people dwell in fear under gang rule – except when under-resourced police have to invade for increasingly frequent and bloody raids. It’s a huge and treacherous slum.

Brazil faces political and financial collapse. Fitch became the second credit-rating agency to downgrade Brazil to “junk status.” Brazil’s economy is predicted to shrink by 3% in 2016 . All the while, the nation is being swallowed by a colossal bribery scandal with its nasty tentacles extended in a hundred different directions. Corruption looms on nearly every horizon of Brazilian culture. As a lover of Latin America, this is very sad to me. Brazil possesses the natural and human resources to thrive, but it is drowning in its own pool of political dysfunction and – likely soon – that pool will be overrun by a tsunami of out-of-control inflation.

Now there’s Brazil’s pending presidential impeachment. Dilma Rousseff is accused of a massive cover-up scheme. It’s bad, or worse, everywhere you look.

The Question: How could a country which fought so hard to achieve democratic and economic stability collapse – before our very eyes – into utter turmoil?

The Answer: Lies. Lies at nearly every level of Brazil’s national life. Lies which corrupt a society like untreated cancer.

Beloved, we who are blessed to live in the greatest nation on Earth stand at a similar precipice. In rapid fashion, we are exchanging God’s truth for lies (Romans 1:22-25). You and I should be praying for our American government. For our President and Congress. For our U.S. Supreme Court. For legislative bodies and decision-makers at every level. For our universities and schools of every stripe. For our local leaders and neighbors.

And we should be praying for churches and pulpits from sea to shining sea.

May God give us, as a nation, the leaders whom we need – and may He rescue us from the leaders whom we deserve.

Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.


Pastor Charles

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It sure is nice to see America celebrating. It’s been too long. Sometimes, if not most of the time, our nation seems downright cracked-down-the-middle. We’re deeply divided by policies and politics, so a good dose of patriotism seems like just what the doctor ordered.

We celebrate the 19-year-old American swimmer, Katie Ledecky. Did you see her in the women’s 200-meter freestyle? Close, but gold!

Even closer in the 200-meter butterfly at the Rio Games was Michael Phelps. So many gold medals that I’m having trouble keeping up – but, again, I’m so happy that America can experience this! And especially, right now. Team USA is on the march.Phelpsphoto

Many of us thought that Michael had bottomed out in September 2014. I’m so glad we were wrong. Don’t you love stories like this? Phelps is now 31, holding his arms out in the water and wiggling his fingers so that the crowd will make some noise. Who wouldn’t like to be part of that moment? Phelps, despite a split swimming cap, anchored the men’s 4×200 freestyle relay in a race that was far from close, with the U.S. team – Conor Dwyer, Townley Haas, Ryan Lochte and Phelps – shaving six seconds off their qualifying time to finish at 7:00.66. That’s just two seconds off the world record. Great Britain took silver. Japan took bronze.

So we have a comeback kid in Phelps, and a bright future in Ledecky – who edged Sweden’s Sarah Sjostrom by .35 seconds with a finishing time of 1:53.73. The bronze medal went to Emma McKeon of Australia at 1:54.92. Commenting on that close call, Ledecky admitted: “That’s the closest I’ve ever come to throwing up after a race.”

And that thought (literally) brings me back to our national politics. Maybe you and I should follow Phelps’ lead and set aside our “hooded glare” – and just laugh for a minute or two. Maybe it’s time for us to go out of our way just to give our kids a kiss on the cheek. I’ll quote the champion swimmer: “For me to be an American is … one of the greatest things in the world … just because I’ve been able to grow up with everything. The freedom. You know, in my eyes this is the greatest country in the world.”

I’m grateful for even a moment of celebration. Jeremiah 29:7. How about you?


Pastor Charles

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From Generation to Generation

My personal Bible study is taking me through the letters from Paul to Timothy, and this morning my devotional reading was from the apostle’s second correspondence. As I pondered something which I’ve read many times before (Second Timothy 1:5), I was reminded of the faithfulness of God from generation to generation. In that verse Paul delights in God’s continuing faithfulness to young Timothy: “I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmotherLois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.”

As a third-generation believer in Jesus, Timothy had received invaluable wisdom from the previous two generations of people who loved this young man. Timothy’s grandmother and mother had grounded Timothy in the Christian faith. Because their faith had been so strongly rooted in grace and truth, Paul was able to express great confidence in the next generation. Timothy – Paul’s son in the faith – was that next generation. Our desire for, and investment in, the next generation should be no less vigorous today.

As summer – at least as far as the local academic calendar is concerned – draws to a close, I want to tell you how much I’ve enjoyed getting to know our youth during what has been a very special season for me. First Baptist Paducah students are second to none. I really mean that. We have some of the brightest, most intelligent, gifted, talented, creative, humble, and respectful young people whom you will ever meet. Anywhere. They are also serious about their faith in Christ.boysbs162

Particularly delightful for me has been the privilege of hosting some of our guys for an informal Bible study in our home. I want to encourage you as a church family: God is doing great things through the next generation! Get involved. Let Pastor Steve know that you want to invest in our future. Every spiritual gift is needed, so don’t hide yours – but let Christ’s light shine through you into the lives of some young people who will never forget the investment you make in them.

There’s one more thing that I don’t want us to miss from Second Timothy. Paul is a tenderhearted man. He longs to see Timothy again because he loves Timothy. It’s that simple. The hoped-for reunion between Paul and Timothy did not happen in this lifetime, but with tears the Apostle Paul remembered the moments when just being with Timothy had filled Paul’s cup with joy!

It’s time for us to make some memories.

Are you and I connected to the next generation – or the one after that – to the extent that we will cry when they leave for college? Are we “doing life” with those who are younger than our generation, and who will carry Christ’s torch for the next lap of human history? Are we sowing eternal seeds of grace and truth in the lives of those who could be blessed beyond measure by our faithful legacy?

Now is the time.

Pastor Charles

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Beyond Confident Assertions

Beyond Confident BlogHave you ever needed to be rescued … from you?

Paul warned the young preacher Timothy (First Timothy 1:6-7) that certain teachers within the church would get way off-track, and even “wander away into vain discussion … without understanding … the things about which they make confident assertions.” I’ve been thinking recently about the dangers of teaching (or preaching, or leading, or even engaging in discussion) without bona fide humility. One of the realities for ministry leaders who get off-track is this: they rarely go alone. Often other people are dragged down with the spiritual leader who loses his or her way.

It’s so easy for us to become impressed by ourselves. That’s especially true for those of us who love to teach, and who are admired for even miniscule skill in communicating God’s truth. Who doesn’t want to be called “Rabbi, Rabbi”? Who doesn’t want to be known as a doctrinal expert? Who doesn’t want to be recognized for obvious aptitude in rightly dividing the Lord’s Word? Who doesn’t enjoy a little applause for a Bible lesson home run? The problem starts when we start believing that we deserve any of those kudos at all.

All of us are just myopic enough to think that we’ve got a corner on the truth. That our interpretation is pure, while everyone else’s is tainted. That our theological stripe lines up perfectly with God’s ideal. That our worldview is without its blind spots. Next thing you know we’re preaching (or teaching, or just talking) for personal gain, if only for the self-satisfaction of being right.

Pride is easy for us to spot among the rich and famous, but people can also spot it in religious leaders from a mile away! Pride threatens to choke the very life out of our souls, and it can wound our closeness with God – as well as our once-tight bonds of friendship with others. Humility, though often mistaken as weakness in our confused culture, becomes a window through which others can see the love of Jesus in and through us.

If Jesus taught, lived, and led humbly, shouldn’t we? If He who was God “made himself nothing” and “humbled himself” (Philippians 2:7-8), shouldn’t you and I be incessantly reminding – ourselves and others – that we have a long, long way to go before “spiritual maturity” would even be a fitting descriptor for the likes of us? I’m reminded of a quip from some of my old sermon notes: “Weak point. Pound pulpit hard.”

Beware of your dogmatic declarations, and I will try to do the same. Whether you’ve been a Christ-follower for a week, or for half a century, that’s pretty sound advice. We still need Jesus in everything we do. We’re still desperately dependent upon His Spirit for wisdom and grace. We’re still looking to Him for a perseverance that will stand the test of eternity.

C.S. Lewis said it like this: “To even get near [humility], even for a moment, is like a drink of cold water to a man in a desert. Do not imagine that if you meet a really humble man he will be what most people call ‘humble’ nowadays: he will not be a sort of greasy, smarmy person, who is always telling you that, of course, he is nobody. Probably all you will think about him is that he seemed a cheerful, intelligent chap who took a real interest in what you said to him. If you do dislike him it will be because you feel a little envious of anyone who seems to enjoy life so easily. He will not be thinking about humility: he will not be thinking about himself at all.”

Pastor Charles 

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What could be lovelier than a holiday on the French Riviera?

Linda, a young mom, described the horror like this: “My husband picked up the kids and started running. I turned around and just saw so many dead people. I even saw a baby with its head totally crushed.” Another woman, who lost her eight-month-old son in the aftermath and panic of the attack, has been reunited with her boy after a Facebook appeal. Nice’s children’s hospital has treated around fifty children and teenagers, including two who have died from their injuries despite emergency surgeries. Dozens of people were literally run over, in barbaric fashion, by a huge truck driven by a French-Tunisian shouting “Allahu Akbar” (“God is great” in Arabic).

The death toll has now topped 80, with at least ten children listed among the dead. An American father and son, on vacation in Europe, perished in the brutal attack. According to France’s president, Francois Hollande, about 50 lives still hang in the balance. Bastille Day, France’s most important national day of celebration, is normally marked by fireworks at the Eiffel Tower. But this year’s festivities in Nice were interrupted by a terror strike with all the marks of an ISIS attack. These horrendous attacks are now happening weekly. As ISIS expands into new affiliates, like Bangladesh, my hopes are that NATO will declare war on ISIS – that a united and strong opposition can arise for such a time as this.

I will repeat something that I’ve been attempting to make clear at First Baptist Paducah for some time: What the world calls “radical Islam” or “militant Islam” is real Islam. I’m growing weary of calls by the media for “Muslim clerics” to clarify the teachings of Islam so that fewer people will become “radicalized.” I know this is unpopular to say, but I must say it: If an Islamic religious leader calls Muslims to anything less than “jihad” – “holy war” – then he or she is not teaching the religious tenets of Islam. Islam is a religious, political, and military ideology. It’s just that simple.

What about all the peaceful Muslims? Yes, most Muslims are peaceful indeed. But here’s the deal, at least in my opinion after studying Islam for two years: Peaceful Muslims are cultural Muslims. They’re ethnic Muslims. They share in at least one strand of the multi-faceted fabric which we might call a Muslim heritage. But they are not really practicing the mandates of the religion of Islam, which calls for the total eradication of “infidels” (non-Muslims). On our own Independence Day, our hometown newspaper’s front page included a very peaceful portrayal of Islam, and particularly the season of Ramadan. Though I greatly appreciate the desire to see our community thrive as a place of respect, diversity, and tolerance, I fear that we are sending the wrong message when we present the religion of Islam itself as innocuous. It is not. Sharia Law, which is the goal of Islam, is incompatible with Western Civilization as we know it. Islamic law, by nature, is completely hostile to freedom and the other ideals of a democratic republic.

Now on to what matters most. As Christ-followers, our most powerful weapons in this world are spiritual (Second Corinthians 10:3-6). You and I must make sure – within our own souls – that we are not against a people (Muslims or anyone else). When it comes to the Islamic world, we are to stand against the false ideology which oppresses Muslims – but we are to love, pray for, and attempt to win for Christ Muslims themselves. This may not be an easy calling to live out at times, especially when we feel threatened. But be encouraged, beloved church! In Iran, and in other parts of the Islamic world, there is tremendous and unprecedented spiritual revival taking place as I write these words. Muslims are coming to saving faith in Christ in a spectacular movement of the Holy Spirit on a never-before-seen scale. You and I are soldiers in the unstoppable army of the Sovereign King who reigns over an eternal kingdom of light – a light which dispels spiritual darkness for God’s own honor, glory, and praise.


Pastor Charles

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