The Best Best Friend

People are lonely. Really lonely. The U.S. Surgeon General has declared loneliness a public health epidemic. And the American Psychiatric Association has published that 30% of us have experienced loneliness at least once a week for the past year. Young adults are the loneliest, with many under age 35 reporting loneliness at even higher proportions than everybody else. Despite our vast technological connectedness, loneliness is fast becoming an American way of life.

If you’re lonely, I want to share with you some truly amazing news. The God who fashioned and formed you in the womb made you for a life-giving relationship with Himself. God knows everything about you, and He wants you to know Him. In fact, God wants to be for you “a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24).

Could this really be true? Is it actually possible for us to know the God of the universe as our best friend? Let’s face it: If this is true, it changes everything.

In the tenth chapter of the Gospel of John, and in the ninth verse of that marvelous chapter, Jesus makes a startling claim: “I AM THE DOOR.” It doesn’t take a Bible scholar to recognize an obvious point: A door is a way of entrance. When it comes to the kingdom of God, friends, we can’t get in without a door.

Why do we need a door? After all, so many people believe that “every person is a child of God.” But here’s the truth: Not every person is God’s child. Every person is God’s creation, but not every person is God’s child. We become sons and daughters of God through – and only through – the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:6).

The Scriptures describe a stark separation between God and us. Since the rebellion of Adam and Eve, at the dawn of the human race, something has been tragically broken. In fact, Genesis 3:24 paints a heartbreaking picture of our first parents being driven out of God’s garden, and “the cherubim and a flaming sword” being positioned by our Creator to deny access to the tree of life. Because of human sin, each successive generation inherited and validated an estranged relationship with God. This explains, at least in part, why the human race has become so lonely.

Under the Old Covenant, the chasm between sinful humanity and a holy God proved true again and again. In both the tabernacle and the temple, an imposing curtain was suspended to keep the Israelites out of the Holy of Holies. Except for one day a year, the Day of Atonement, even the high priest could not enter the place of God’s presence. Only a righteous Messiah could reverse the trajectory of what John Milton called “Paradise Lost.”

Thankfully, Jesus came to be our perfect Deliverer, and the Cross changed everything! Because of the atoning work of our Savior on our behalf, our hope now “enters into the inner place behind the curtain” (Hebrews 6:19). This means that you and I – and all who are in Christ – can enter into the very presence of the living God!

We can enter anytime. Even when we feel like the whole world is against us, and that we don’t have even one true friend, we can turn to God. And, as far as our turning to God is concerned, the good news is that we don’t have to wait until we get our act together. (P.S. That’s an impossibly long wait.) You and I can just come to God.

So how do we come?

Because Jesus is the door, we enter by the grace of Christ. We have not earned such glorious access, but Jesus earned it for us. He lived for us the life that we failed to live. He died for us the death that we deserved. You and I merely receive His marvelous gift of Himself.

Because Jesus is the door, we enter by the blood of Christ. Throughout redemptive history, all of those sacrificed animals – over all of those generations – were never enough to save us. They merely pointed to the one final sacrifice that would buy our pardon. “O precious is the flow that makes me white as snow …”

Because Jesus is the door, we enter by the merit of Christ. You and I may be striving for personal holiness, as well we should, but the righteousness on which we rely did not originate with us. We need a goodness that didn’t start with us – an alien righteousness – credited to us. That’s what Jesus has done! “On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; all other ground is sinking sand.”

Because Jesus is the door, we enter with no priest but Christ. Under the New Covenant, you and I can learn from the Lord Jesus, who lives in and through us (Jeremiah 31:31-34). The Holy Spirit – the Spirit of Christ – leads us into all truth. He takes the Bible’s words and applies them directly to our hearts.

Because Jesus is the door, we enter with no mediator but Christ. Our access to God is complete. That ominous temple veil has been brought down – permanently – so you and I can enter into God’s throne room not with arrogance, but with boldness and confidence in our Christ.

Because Jesus is the door, we enter by faith in Christ. Though we’re “working out our salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12), we’re not working for our salvation. Like our salvation, our access to the Father is an absolutely free gift. And He’s ready and willing 24/7.

Because Jesus is the door, we enter in the security of our union with Christ. Because of what Jesus has accomplished for us, and His purchase of our redemption by His death and resurrection, a loving relationship with the Father is already ours. We’re forgiven and free.

Because Jesus is the door, we enter by the invitation of Christ. Jesus promises, unequivocally, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). He seeks us with an open heart, and – despite our persistent, prideful rebellion – His arms are open wide!

Of course, you and I need the nurture and joy of healthy human relationships. That goes without saying. But my purpose today has been to remind you that we have a friend who is always by our side – and always on our team.

What a friend we have in Jesus!

I’m feeling less lonely already. I pray the same for you.

Pastor Charles

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