Wounds of the Heart, Part 2

So how do we recover from the heart wounds of our lives?

Last week I mentioned that the place to begin is a place of honesty before the Lord. For example, if I think that the actions or words of another person have harmed me – perhaps even striking at the core of my sense of self-worth – then the place to start is by telling the Lord what’s on my mind and heart. Words are incredibly powerful. Just as words can inflict pain and breed hatred, words of truthfulness can establish trust and confidence. So we start by simply telling our Savior the truth. Remember: we’re not giving Him new information, but we’re choosing to walk with Him along the road of life. Our God delights in our choosing to draw near to Him.

What do we ask of the Lord?

For starters, we can ask Him to begin to convince us of the truth. Heart wounds, you see, deceive us. Lying is their native language, and their pain sometimes feels inescapable. So you and I need Christ to renew our minds, and to show us what is really true about who we are in Him. If we don’t seek Christ’s power for that kind of personal transformation, we may live the rest of our lives blaming ourselves for the wrongs which others have inflicted on us – or ensnared by bitterness and shame.

Let me offer a few truths for you to ponder until my next installment in this series (after my mission to France) …

  1. My heart wounds do not define me. It may feel at times like they do, but that is not true.
  2. I am made in the image of Almighty God. If you were here Sunday morning, we tried to make much of that glorious reality (Genesis 1:27). What better place would there be to start renewing my sense of identity and value?
  3. I belong permanently to Christ, who is redeeming and restoring me (Galatians 4:4-5).
  4. I am a co-heir with Christ of every spiritual blessing, even in and through my suffering (Romans 8:17).
  5. I am dearly and deeply loved, in spite of all my sin (Romans 5:8).
  6. IN CHRIST, I am forgiven for every sin: past, present, and future.
  7. What may have marked me – at least in my own heart – as a “total disaster,” the Lord intends to turn into a token of grace.

Sometimes it feels like we’ve boarded “the hot mess express.” Maybe so. But, when you and I begin to recognize the excellencies of our Captain, we can smile at every twist and turn.


Pastor Charles

Posted in Blog Posts
One comment on “Wounds of the Heart, Part 2
  1. Tywatha Dyson says:

    Thank you for this series that has been given to you to share. I think number 5 is the hardest one to accept sometimes. Some days I look at my sin and think,”How can anyone forgive me? How can I forgive myself?” Then I’m reminded that God isn’t just somebody, he is the body of my entire existence, my purpose, my forgiveness. My friend Lynette keeps reminding me the only forgiveness I need is His and that I already have it; that I should let go of the past mistakes and if the other party can’t forgive; then that’s between them and Him. Thank God our God is Extradordinary and more powerful than the human heart. Thank you again for this series.

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